Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reflections and God's Word

July 11,2013

Our family had two domestic ducks, Daffy and Dilly. One day Dilly died.
Daffy so her reflection in our cellar window and for days quacked at her
reflection. We ended her loneliness by taking her to a farm which had
other ducks.

Years later a robin was throwing itself at our porch window. I called
the Wild Bird Sanctuary and was told a male robin is territorial and
he thinks his reflection is a competitor. We covered the window.

One bird saw a friend and the other a stranger. What do we see when
we look in the mirror? What do we do about it?

"Don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says.
"For if you listen to the Word and don't obey it is like glancing at your face
in a mirror, you see yourself, walk away and forget what you look like."
(James 1:23-24 The Way)

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