Thursday, September 30, 2010

Football Game

September 30

Seeing the cores under the bench our coach was determined to teach us that apples and football did not mix. He put us scrubs in the game. I was the quarterback who never played. I called the three plays I could remember. No gain. Ugh! Fourth down. I kicked a low line drive that hit one of their players and rolled crazily downfield. It was a live ball we recovered it. Our ball! I still only knew three plays.
The first team trotted back onto the field. We were having too much fun.

“Do not answer a fool to his folly, less you be like him.” (Proverbs 26:4

Be Ready

September 29

We embraced in the kitchen and I remember thinking how muscular he had become. He was no longer a boy but at eighteen he had become a strong young man. I stood in the doorway and waved as he drove off. He tooted the horn. I lingered in the open doorway until the car was out of sight. I can’t explain it, but I knew I would always remember this moment. I had no inkling it would be the last time I would see him. His spirit was called from this earth four days later.

“Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
(Luke 12:40)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Miracle Births

September 28

“It is a miracle that they all survived. It is a miracle any of us survive, “ my daughter said. One of her cousins had triplets born six weeks prematurely. They weighed less than seven pounds together. My daughter had weighed more than seven pounds when she was born. I remember peering through the nursery window while a nurse held her to the glass. My first thought was thank God she is all there. I was looking at a miracle. I knew it. Babies are a gift.

“You are of God. little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Important Lesson

September 27

A young electrician gingerly touched the metal box with a screwdriver. I asked him why he did that since he had shut off the power. “I always check twice,” he said.

I was working on a big unit with my boss and he went to grab the cover and I said, ‘don’t you want to test it first?”
He turned to me and said, “Are you telling me how to do my job? He grabbed the cover with both hands and was electrocuted on the spot.”

We all need to learn this lesson.

“He who hates correction will die.”(Proverbs 15:10)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hospital Visit

September 26

Before we enter the hospital Joy goes to an art shop. In her mother's hospital room family sit around the bed talking about medications and pain. Joy parts the curtains, tapes color paper to the walls and ties ribbons on the green plants. Within minutes that sterile room is warmed by sunlight and color and even the bedside conversation brightens.
God loves on us with light. You can’t see the beautiful colors in the dark.

"Then God said, 'let there be light'; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness." (Genesis 1:3-4)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Two Words

September 25

She told Joy things weren't going well at work, her husband seemed distant, she was short with the kids etc. The two talked in the kitchen while I sat in the living room. When we were leaving I prayed,"Lord give me the words to say." He did.
I whispered two words in her ear.

Days later Joy reports her friend,”is full of life again and back loving her family.” She said she took your two words of advise; “Tell God!"

“Now a word was secretly brought to me, and my ear received a whisper of it.”
(Job 4:12)

Profound Moments

September 24

"I just had a thought,” Joy says,” God is saying to me 'hurry up and grow so I can teach you more. There is so much God wants me to know but I need to be ready."
* * *
On the eve of leaving for Washington D. C. to gather with other men to Stand in the Gap, I open my Bible and read:

"May the God of endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 15: 5-6)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Guest at Church

September 23

My friend is excited, her neighbor finally attends our church service.

“I'm glancing sideways during the service to see how she is reacting. Her face seems non expressive.. During the message she stares at her feet and I’m confused.” The service ends and my friend asked awkwardly, “Is there anything you liked?” Her neighbor smiles, “Oh! I saw God’s love before the service even started when your pastor walked in and kissed that boy in the wheelchair by the door.”

“Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” (Matthew 18:5)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Read the Bible in a Year

September 22

Cliff our men’s Bible teacher passed out an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper divided into 367 little rectangles with four biblical references hand written in each box.
He was awakened at three and visualized finishing the Bible in a year by reading two chapters from the old testament, a psalm, a proverb and one chapter from the new testament everyday. The class ended for me a few weeks later when I moved to Florida. I have used Cliff’s outline daily for more than fifteen years.

"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”
(Proverbs 30: 5)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Live the Moment

September 21

Paraphrasing Thomas Merton Joy says "Live in the moment and see all that God has’s awesome." She asks how my day has been. I pause. Typically, another day has gone by and I have missed those precious moments. Keeping a daily journal helps as does reading the Bible, taking a hike or listening to a child. Joy listens to chants or other music she enjoys as part of her quiet moments. I think I'll go for a walk and notice what's around me.

“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
(Psalm 118:24)

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Flat Tire

September 20

I hear a familiar thump, thump coming from the car so I pull off to the side of the country road into an vacant lot. Yep! A flat. A young man, Ryan offers assistance.
He is there to meet his boss, a carpenter.
" My boss was a carpenter once," I say adding, "I'm talking about Jesus.”
Ryan looks up at me, then continues what he is doing in silence. The next moment his boss drives up and I tell him what a Godsend Ryan is. I know who sent him.

"The Father knows the things you have need of before you ask him."
(Matthew 6:8)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jeans and Jacket People

September 19
Our pastor says the essential ingredient for an authentic Biblical community is "the presence of the Holy Spirit. Then people live in oneness and love. All else is artificial different races, like Jeans people, the jacket people, the ear ring people, its all artificial."

“Here there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, slave nor free, but Christ is all, and in all. Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you must also do."
(Colossians 3:11-12)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Share the Hope

September 18

A week after the horrific events of September 11 when America was attacked by terrorists our country was still trying to pick its sanity out of the ashes.
Our small group shares feelings ranging from depression and fear to outrage.
“What can we be doing as individual Christians?” someone asks. We are quiet.
A woman responds, “We can share why we have hope. I’m calling my neighbors.”

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.”
(1 Peter 3: 14-15)

Is that You God?

September 17

How do I know when a thought or message is from God? When it is not?
How can I be sure? When I ask the Lord for direction how do I know the response is from God and not the great deceiver? These questions remained until I was shown a simple way to test if the Spirit bringing the thought or voice is of God. I have found that this test works quite well.

“By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. (1 John 4:2-3)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Sick and Prayer

September 16

At seven my wife Joy awakes, walks to the bathroom and a minute later I hear a crash and a loud thud. I literally have to push her body along the floor with the door to get in to help her. She is shaking.

Later the doctor says it looks like flu. I pray for healing. She props herself up in bed for a cherry pop and God provides a phone call from our youngest daughter to cheer her. After more prayer, several bottles of ginger ale and many pops, God heals Joy. I didn't even get a mild version of what she had. Praise the Healer!

"The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up." (James 5:15)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Conversation with a Porpoise

September 15

I never met a porpoise I didn’t like.

My first personal meeting with a porpoise outside of an aquarium was in waters off Panama. I was out on the bowsprit of a fishing boat and one swam along side and rolled inside our bow wake, looked at me and squealed. I leaned over and said hello. The porpoise squealed a greeting at me. This went on for several minutes. It was a friendly encounter I still cherish. I wonder what the porpoise was thinking?

"So God created great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing. And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:21)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Parking Ticket

September 14

This morning I drive downtown for a meeting. There are two parking spaces on the street near the hotel. I take the one nearest the corner so I can get out quickly.
Less than an hour later there is a ticket on my window. I parked in a no parking area and the quarters I had put in the meter were for the parking space in front of me.
A friend says, " Don’t fuss over it, or it will you cost more than the amount on the ticket." That tip is 2,000 years old.

"Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Special Moments

September 12

We are looking for kindling. My son, 4 runs back and hugs my leg. Looking up with a big smile he says, "Dad isn't this fun picking up sticks, just you and me?"
My teen daughter beckons, "Dad you have to see this." I join her astronomy class at the top of Talcott Mountain. A chill runs up my back as I look into the scope and clearly see Saturn and its rings glowing like a toy top in dark space.
Any parent holding a baby for the first time must feel an encounter with our Creator. How about you?

“Come behold the works of the Lord."(Psalm 46:8)

Attack on America

September 11

This is the day there was a deliberate attack on America. We are shocked.
That evening I join others in church. The first prayer isn’t for the victims or their families (although that would come later) it is for repentance. Is this a wake up call for America to stop worshipping idols? What about all the people killed? Then I read what Jesus said in Luke.

“Those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem. I tell you, no: but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:4-5)

Friday, September 10, 2010

First Love

September 10

The visiting pastor thought, "I can give a better sermon than this." He listened as the older man list indicators of a cold heart.
1. No delight to be in God's presence,
2. No desire to be with other believers,
3. Decrease longing for God's word,
4. Less desire to give or serve God
5. Reluctant to tell others about God.

The young pastor was convicted and shared this talk with his own flock asking us to recommit. We did.

"You have forgotten your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." (Revelations 2:1-5)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Church Camp

September 9

The real purpose of church camp was to teach young boys about Jesus. I recall one moment. The teacher used a beaker full of a red liquid to represent our sinful self. “This is what happens when we ask Jesus into our lives to forgive our sins.” He then poured something into that beaker. The red disappeared instantly. That was cool to an eleven-year old, yet it would be forty years before I fully understood and accepted what that teacher was illustrating to a bunch of boys that morning.

“Truly I say to you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3

Soft and Hard Putty

September 8

The preacher came down the aisle holding two cans of putty, one contained putty which, had hardened after exposure to the air and the other was a new can that contained soft pliable putty.

"When our hearts are open we are pliable and God can mold us like clay but when our hearts are neglected they become hard.”

I need to give up what I think I am and let God mold me into what He intends me to be.

Jeremiah said only with God's help can we be softened. Jeremiah said God told him, “When you search for Me you will find Me; if you seek Me with all your heart!”
(Jeremiah 29:13.)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hurricaine Mystery

September 6

He had come to help my dad repair the front porch but now Papa felt he had to go home. Dad reluctantly drove ‘Papa’ to the bus station in Proivdence.
The next day the deadly hurricane of 1938 hit the Rhode Island coast. All the phone lines were down so dad drove to Tiverton only to find the bridge to Portsmouth was gone. He rented a boat. On Papa’s road all the houses were crushed or gone, except one. Papa had boarded up the windows and all were safe.

What had urged my grandfather to return home? He didn’t try to explain it.

“Whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure without fear of evil.”
(Proverbs 1:33)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Power of Prayer

September 5

Never underestimate the power of prayer.
A granddaughter in Connecticut, who has had diabetes since she was two, is rushed to the hospital. She doesn’t respond to treatment and is listed as critical.
I call a niece in Spokane for prayer. I pray and prepare to fly from Florida to Connecticut.

The next day my son reports Jessica is doing so well the doctors are talking about letting her go home. My niece calls and before I can tell her the good news she says, “I have been praying most of the night for Jessica to be healed and be back home by the weekend.”

"If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14)

Dealing with Anger

September 4

We are in the house, voices raised. Joy yells, "pray." We both kneel. I reach out to hold her. She pulls back and snaps, "don't touch me, I don't even like you now." She demands, “Jesus we can't handle this, we need You now!" Her arms come around me. The anger subsides and our voices are now sof.t. We forgive each other. God answers knee-mail.

"Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another; even as Christ forgave you, so you must do. (Colossians 4:13)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Tommy at the Church Fair

September 3

It’s time to leave the church fair. My three-year-old grandson wants to sit in the driver's seat of the fire truck-again.I carry him screaming and kicking to his stroller.
Joy leans over him and says, "Tommy calm down.” He stiffens and shudders a couple of times, wiped the tears from his eyes and softly repeats, "Tommy calm down." He takes Joy's hand and they walk to our van. Later Joy says "I have never seen a child get in touch with himself like that, the Spirit was with him."

“ I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." (Luke 18:17)

First Church in Wethersfield

September 2

Joy and I met and later were married in the First Church of Christ in Wethersfield, Ct.. Since then many of life’s happiest and saddest moments have been connected with this 360-year old church,
For many years every Sunday service began with the minister quoting Isaiah.

“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
(Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Every Parents Nightmare

September 1

This is the day I receive the call every parent fears. It is my former wife and she is hysterical. Our youngest child, Steven, has died in a house fire. He was 18. The world stops. I’m numb. Tears flow freely.
For many nights after the funeral, I tried to respond to the cards and notes. One night I threw down my pen dropped to my knees and cried out to God. That was the night my Shepherd took this broken lamb in His arms, coddled me and whispered in my ear, “Here I am.”

"You shall call and the Lord will answer; You shall cry and He will say Here I am." (Isaiah 58:9)

Will Work for Food

August 31

Ever see a person with a cardboard sign that reads, "will work for food?"
I ask, “Does your sign mean what it says, will work for food?” He says yes. I drive him to my house and he mows my lawn. He is desperate for money to pay the rent and to buy food for his wife and child. He has some leads for work but nothing has come through.I pay him in cash, not food, and drive him to his neighborhood. We are both blessed this day.

"He who despises his neighbor sins; But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he." (Proverbs 14:21)