Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Out of a Rut

One night, when I was a boy, my mother told me a simple story. A little frog landed in the middle of a deep tire track in a muddy road.The other fros gathered at the edge to cheer him on but jump as he might the little frog couldn’t get out. The other frogs headed back to the pond for the night. Splash- little frog was back.

"How did you get out,” the others demanded?

"I just jumped out," said the exuberant little frog, “you see a truck was coming.”

Deborah Deford writes in The Simpler Life, "We get into a rut and all of life takes on the color and texture of old mud. But staying in a rut is a choice.”

I was in a worldly rut for years. Then I saw the truck of complacency coming and made the choice to jump free.

"For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)

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