Friday, January 11, 2008

Stuck in a Rut?

January 11

One night, when I was a boy, my mother told me a simple story. A little frog landed in the middle of a deep tire track in a muddy road. Jump as he might he couldn’t get out. The other frogs watching him struggle headed back to the pond for the night. Splash- little frog was back. .

"How on earth did you get out,” the other frogs demanded almost in unison.

"I just jumped out," said the exuberant little frog, “you see a truck was coming.”

Deborah Deford writes in The Simpler Life, "We get into a rut and all of life takes on the color and texture of old mud. But staying in a rut is a choice.”

I was in a worldly rut for years. Then I saw the truck coming and made the choice to jump free.

"For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)

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