Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why I Quit Smoking

January 6

At age 14 I started smoking. I felt dizzy and was sick to my stomach but I continued to smoke.
At 30 the Government warned tobacco could be harmful to your health. I continued to smoke.
My dad finally quit when his doctor said he had emphysema. I continued to smoke. After some chest pains, I switched to a pipe and decaffeinated coffee. I continued to smoke.

One night Rob,age 7, asked,"Dad can you get heart disease from smoking a pipe?"

I hadn't heeded the other warnings, but when God sent my son, I heard the message. I quit! For good.
Come to think of it, God sent His only son with an important message for all of us. Hear him!

“I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.” (John12:47)

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