Friday, January 6, 2012

Homeless Man with a Bible

January 7

He said his name is Bill Young and he was looking for work and needed some money for breakfast.
I handed him a couple of dollars and mentioned softly that he might have a better chance of getting a job if he didn't have alcohol on his breath.

I asked him if he knew Jesus. He took a small Bible from his sack. He turned to Luke 16-19,"you read it," he said. handing me his Bible. It is about the rich man and poor Lazarus eating crumbs.

“ The poor man died, and angels took him to the place of honor next to Abraham." I stopped. "Read the next line," he urged. “The rich man also died, was buried and went to hell and was suffering terribly."

I stood convicted of my arrogance and smugness.

"Judge not that you be not judged. (Matthew 7:1)

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