Thursday, October 30, 2008


October 31

“Trick or treat?” Years ago we didn’t ask we just did tricks. Now children don masks and costumes and demand treats from grownups, like an entitlement.

The fact that All Saints Day follows Halloween is an appropriate reminder to put away the craziness for another year. Otherwise life could become a series of Halloweens with people wearing masks all the time. I know God wants me to take off my mask and get real with Him. No tricks or treats Lord, just living everyday humbly obeying You.

“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.” (Proverbs 22:4)

A Day of Rest

October 30

I don’t have trouble with the day of rest part but I struggle with keeping the day holy. How much of what I do is holy? Jesus was criticized for working on the Sabbath when he performed miracles. His response was, “can’t you do good on the Sabbath?” Doing good! That helps, I guess if it is good in God’s eye then it might be considered holy.

If I can live as God commanded, loving Him and loving my neighbors as myself that would be good. In fact, loving my neighbors as myself would be a miracle and miracles are holy.

God tells us to, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bob Harron

October 29

He had a knack of seeing the best in people and encouraging them. Bob Harrron. was the first sports publicist at Columbia University. At Bob’s urging a Columbia baseball game became the first telecast of a team sport. (April 17, 1939) A reviewer wrote “baseball will never go on television.” Imagine that tongiht as you watch the Word Series. Thanks for you vision Bob.

When Bob retired he came to Trinity College and became my mentor.

God knows Bob I am still trying to be everything you thought I was.

“Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.” (Romans 14:19)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


October 28

I am struck this day by what a priceless gift memory is. Without memory there would be no knowledge. There would be no Bible. I wouldn't know my own name, or yours.
Memory is a wonderful gift and I shouldn't take it lightly. Thank God for it.
Without memory we would forget God. Moses warned us of this long ago.

“You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. If you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other Gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.” (Deuteronomy 8:18-19)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


October 27

This is redemption day (2004) for the Red Sox who win their first World Series since 1918. Destiny? They were down three games and came back to beat the Yankees in the ALCS, then swept St. Louis in the World Series.
Was it because Curt Schilling, wore a cross around his neck pitching or that David Ortiz pointed skyward crossing home plate after each homer. Was it those signs in the stands, “Reverse the Curse,” “We Believe” or “Have Faith.” Hmmm.

“ I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Birthday Present

October 26

This is Joy’s birthday. Friends drive us to a surprise gift. The car slows by a field, then we see it. Gads! It is a glider.

The pilot is dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. “Nothing to worry about,” he smiles, “the leaves are in full color.” We squeeze into one rear seat and the pilot closes the canopy. The tow plane pulls us aloft and lets us go. “We are in God’s hands now,” I whisper. I thought gliding would be quiet. Joy gets her wish for a bird’s view of the Connecticut countryside. We thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

I’m just thankful the surprise wasn’t hang gliding.

“Give all your worries to God for He cares what happens to you.” (2Peter 5:7 NLT)

Mario and the Boys

October 25

Mario learned to play soccer as a boy in Italy. He coached my sons in beginning soccer, stressing the fundamentals and teamwork. During a game there was a break away. My Robbie (10) was back, his brother Steve (9) was goalie. They met the threat, legs went every which way and Rob kicked the ball right past Steve into his own goal.Groans on the sideline.

The booming voice of Mario rang across the field, "It's OK Robbie, even Pele' scored against himself.” He was kind and gentle to my young boys.

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:14)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dave from the Project

October 24

His mom raised him, and his five siblings in a housing project. At age 13 Big Brothers matched him with Bob,19. who encouraged Dave to finish school and go to college. After college Bob offered Dave a job at the TV station where he worked.

Today, on his own, Dave is literally helping people around the world become successful in business. One of those people is Bob. Accepting an award Dave thanked God, his Mom, and Bob. "To succeed, work hard and pray,” Dave says.

"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."
(Proverbs 10:22)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Deceiving Myself

October 23

Our facilitator, Ron says, deception is looking outward at what the world says instead of looking inward at ourselves and what God says.” We list how we have
deceived ourselves. I write: Judging my success by the world’s standard-praise from men. Thinking that if I work hard all will be right and if I do good I am good.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? I the Lord, search the heart. I test the mind, even give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

Help From Strangers

October 22

Everything seems fine until I distinctly smell gasoline. I pull off the road, open the hood and find gas seeping out of the fuel line. It is a miracle that the engine hasn’t caught fire. Now what do I do?

A car pulls in behind me. The driver sees the leak and proceeds to tape the split hose. What a Godsend he is. Come to think of it, I have had a lifetime of Good Samaritans who have come by and bailed me out of trouble. on the roadways and byways of life. Many of them were strangers but as the parable says, they were my real neighbors. We should help one another.

"Then Jesus said to him, 'Go and do likewise." (Luke 10: 36-37)

Rock Climbing Lesson

October 21

The rock face is straight up. My arms ache as I stretch for the next finger crack. It is out of reach. I stretch and my feet slide out and I fall. Barry Barth, my bailer, is doing his job. He holds the lifeline and I bang against the rock and dangle there. No damage to the bones just to my pride.

God is like that bailer. I can't see Him but I know He is there. He keeps me from falling too far, but allows me to climb my own obstacles. He picks me up when I fall and He renews my strength when I stumble. God can be your bailer too.

“The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid.”(Psalm 27:1)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How Does God Keep Track?

October 20

How can God keep track of everything?
I read,”God is within you.” That's it. Its like I’m a personal computer tied into a master computer. If I'm not plugged in I'm powerless. My screen is dark. Getting plugged in is an act of faith. Once logged on I can get an infinite amount of wisdom from the Master but that doesn't make me a mainframe. I’m still only a personal computer.

Jesus put it this way: "The Kingdom of God does not come visibly, nor will people say ‘here it is' or ‘there it is' because the Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:20-21)

Waiting for God's Direction

October 19

I have a friend who has been out of work for more than a year. He lives a least a mile from me on another street but there in my mailbox is a letter for him. God works in strange and wonderful ways. When I hand him the letter I ask how he is doing. He replies, "I am waiting on God to give me direction.”

"Did you ever think maybe God is waiting on you to get ready for His direction?” “I’m ready,” he says.

“How's your heart? Don't answer me, that's between you and God. I was just prompted to ask."

"As in water face reflects face, so a man's heart reveals the man." (Proverbs 27:19)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Woostock Open

October 18

We call it the Woodstock Open, named for the cartoon character. If your golf ball strikes a tree you get a plastic woody. You can pass it on when another golfer hits a tree. There is a snake for a three putt, a camel for a sand trap, a fish for water etc.
I play the Woodstock Open once a year at a municipal course. The cashier asks if I'm a resident. I lie. I’m an ex-resident. I save $7. I play awful, costing me $10 in animals and I lose my self respect. Ok God, no more cheating.

"Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man,
But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel." Proverbs (20:17)

Can God Use the TV?

October 17

She said she was having trouble making her apartment cat proof. Her felines were scratching up the new furniture.
“I threw my hands up in the air and said, Lord I need help here to cat proof my apartment." When she returned to the living room she inadvertently stepped on the TV remote lying on the floor. The TV changed channels and her jaw dropped when she heard a woman talking about making your house cat proof.
“The voice of the Lord is powerful;
The voice of the Lord is full of majesty." (Psalm 29: 4)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

God Sends Us a Map

October 16

When we were moving to Sarasota a pastor in Hartford wrote the name of a Christian couple to contact when we arrived. We didn’t.
In Florida, an attorney says, "My wife and I are helping some folks start a church." He hands me a calling card for the church with a map on the back. On Sunday ,after the service we meet the very couple that our former pastor had mention. We know this is the church where God wants us to be. When a note didn’t work He provided a calling card with a map.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
(Proverbs 16:9)

Secret to a Successful Marriage

October 15

Joy stands in the doorway to our little office and leaning on the doorframe she says, "I feel overwhelmed." I rise and take her by the hand saying, "You know where we go when we feel overwhelmed?" We walk to the adjacent bedroom and kneel by the bed and pray.Often it has been Joy leading me to prayer.

Keeping God at the center of our marriage and keeping Him our focus and making each other a priority has made for a lasting and loving relationship.

“Let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"I need Help Here"

October 14

"Do we have a plan for this faucet?" Joy asks passing the bathroom sink.
I can't get the handle off to see what is wrong. I pray silently, "I need help here."
I open the valve under the sink for hot water to wash my hands. When I'm through, without thinking, I turn the regular faucet to shut the water off. It Works! I stand there staring at the faucet. I Slowly turn the handle and the water comes out and then I turn it off again. It is working! How did it get fixed? It certainly isn’t anything I did except pray.

"With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

Monday, October 13, 2008

More Prayers Answered

October 13

I can't find my checkbook. Had it earlier in the day. I'm getting really stressed and Joy suggests wisely that we pray about it. Moments later I return to my office and a voice in my head says attaché' case. I open it and there is the checkbook.

Joy is having nightmares and asks me to pray with her. We both ask God for help with this. The nightmares stop.

Today she says God spoke to her through Proverbs 1:33; "Whoever listens to me will dwell safely and will be secure without fear or evil." (or nightmares)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Voice Mail

October 12

Our surrogate son car salesman on voice mail saying he slammed the phone with such force at work that it breaks. His manager fires him.
While I pray for guidance on how to respond. I play the next message. It’s the same voice but only this time his tone is normal. God answers my prayer for guidance by sending me chapter and verse in the voice of the person seeking help.

"I found what I was looking for in the One Minute Pocket Bible for Business Professionals." Our friend reads:

" Oh my God I trust in you,
Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me." (Psalm 25:2)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Johnson's Bench

October 11

We call it Johnson’s Bench. It sits in a cemetery in Bloomfield Ct. On its stone face is this inscription:
“Sit ye here at sunset and dusk
Far from the maddening crowd
With this peaceful tranquility
Commune with God.”

Joy and I do that. In the fall the valley below becomes a sea of colors and then shadows as the sun sets behind a ridge. Thank you Mr. Johnson for providing this bench. Thank you Lord for this moment in time.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
(Matthew 24:35)

Answering a Call

October 10

She has terminal cancer. Something says talk with her now.
My sister listens intently but bristles when I read, “the righteous fear God.”

“I always had a problem with needing to fear God,” she protests. I say quickly, “Think of fear as respect.” (Where did that come from?) "Oh I can accept that," she says. We continue.

She recites the suggested prayer asking Jesus to be her Lord and Savior.

Over dinner that evening my nephew tells me that ten years earlier he prayed by her bedside, “Lord don’t take her until she is yours.”
(The Lord honored his prayer and took his mother six weeks later.)

“In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6)


October 9

I saw a new community church in Florida use balloons to create a cheerful approach.
There were directional signs with balloons bobbing in the gentle breeze. More balloons lead up to the doors. Every kid loves to see a balloon including the kid in each of us. By the time people get to the front door they are in a mood to celebrate with those inside singing praises to the Lord.
What a way to begin a worship service.

"Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!
Shout to God with the voice of triumph!
Sing praises to God, sing praises!
Sing praises to our King, sing praises!" (Psalm 47: 1,6)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Final Seinfeld Episode

October 8

Although we had stopped watching, the hype lured us to view the last Seinfeld show.
The episode was surprisingly serious. Jerry and his friends are tried and convicted for their antics and not being sensitive to the needs of others. The characters, put in jail, don't get it.

What will be the last episode of my life. I know I will be found guilty of being judgmental and insensitive to others. But my judge will be fair and forgiving. I’ll bet my life on that.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9)

Crowded Empty Nesters

October 7

To the world, Joy and I are empty nesters, yet there is a crowd under our roof.There's Molly, which is my endearing name for Joy. Molly is also the name of her cloth rabbit that she claims jumped off a store shelf one day right into her arms. She has a witness.

There are Punkie, Mouse, Slob, Ernie and the powder fairy, no explanations offered. There are Karl, the controller and Mary Ann, the manipulator. We sent them away to live unhappily everafter.

However, our focus is to keep God in the center of our marriage that fills our house with the right kind of love.

"Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate." (Matthew 19:6)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tree Fort Secrets

October 6

It was 8' x 8' with screened windows on three sides and a full size door. The fort could sleep four boys comfortably. No adults or girls allowed except by special invitation. It was a place to trade secrets and make plans. The former occupants of that tree fort are all grown now with homes of their own. The tree fort is gone too, only the two elms remain. Whatever was said there is at best a faint memory but it is not a secret.

"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)

Quotes from My Journal

October 5
Received by E-Mail:

"When the request isn’t right, God says no
When the time isn’t right, God says Slow
When we aren’t right, God says Grow
When everything is right. God says Go.” Unknown
* * * *
“God speaks in the language you know best-often not through your ears but through your circumstances.” Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather
boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Cor 12:9)

Friday, October 3, 2008


October 4

A million men gather on the Mall in Washington D.C. on this day (1997) to humble themselves before their God.
We find a place to sit 500 yards from the main stage. It is 6:30 a.m.. The event starts at 1 p.m. It is a moving to see so many men from all over this nation arriving to Stand in the Gap. One speaker says, "Most assemblies on this mall demand rights. We are here to confess our wrongs." We need to go back.

" If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."
(2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Ultimate Question

October 3

It is the most important conversation recorded in the Bible. Give a listen.

Martha: "Lord if you had been here my brother (Lazarus) would not have died. But even now I know whatever You ask of God, God will give you."

Jesus: "Your brother will rise again."

Martha: "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection in the last day.”

Jesus- "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me though he may die, he shall live.”

Then Jesus asks the question we all eventually have to answer.

“Do you believe this?” (John 11:21-26)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Joy's Golf Shot

October 2

The first hole at the Blue Rock Executive Golf Course on Cape Cod is 90 yards. You can see the green from the waiting area. It is crowded and Joy prays, "Lord just let me hit the ball." It is quiet. Whack!
The ball bounces in front of the green and rolls up to within a few feet of the cup. There is applause. Joy turns and curtsies.
Joy taps in for a birdie- more applause. She bows and says, "That's it, It’ll never get better than this; I retire from golf." And she did.

"I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." (Mark 11:24)

Old Car

October 1

The car won’t start. Ugh! We are going to Florida even if we have to jump-start this car all the way from Massachusetts. We stay with family in New Jersey. We ride to church in their van. During adult Sunday school I hear, "we need to pray for my brother-in-law's old car, that it will start and make it to Sarasota. The car starts the next three days and we arrive safely in Florida. Thank God for the privilege of prayer and a God who listens and acts.

The next day the car barely starts. I drive it directly to a repair shop.

"This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.”(1John 5:14)